Facts About Minnesota
Facts About MinnesotaMinnesota is one of the 50 states of the United States of America. It became the 32nd state when it entered the Union in May 11, 1858. This state covers an area of 86,943 square miles which makes it the 12th biggest state of the nation. The capital city of Minnesota is St. Paul and its biggest city is Minneapolis. Minnesota has borders with Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Michigan which is on the other side of Lake Superior. Counties in Minnesota
* Aitkin * Anoka * Becker * Beltrami * Benton * Big Stone * Blue Earth * Brown * Carlton * Carver * Cass * Chippewa * Chisago * Clay * Clearwater * Cook * Cottonwood * Crow Wing * Dakota * Dodge * Douglas * Faribault * Fillmore * Freeborn * Goodhue * Grant * Hennepin * Houston * Hubbard * Isanti * Itasca * Jackson * Kanabec * Kandiyohi * Kittson * Koochiching * Lac Qui Parle * Lake * Lake of the Woods * Le Sueur * Lincoln * Lyon * Mahnomen * Marshall * Martin * McLeod * Meeker * Mille Lacs * Morrison * Mower * Murray * Nicollet * Nobles * Norman * Olmsted * Otter Tail * Pennington * Pine * Pipestone * Polk * Pope * Ramsey * Red * Lake * Redwood * Renville * Rice * Rock * Roseau * Scott * Sherburne * Sibley * St. Louis * Stearns * Steele * Stevens * Swift * Todd * Traverse * Wabasha * Wadena * Waseca * Washington * Watonwan * Wilkin * Winona * Wright * Yellow Medicine *Minnesota County Map:
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State Flag:
State Motto: "L'Etoile du Nord" - The Star of the North
State Abbreviation: MN
State Name of Residents: Minnesotans
State Song: Hail Minnesota
State Nick Name: Gopher State. North Star State
State Tree: Norway pine (Pinus resinosa)
State Flower: Pink and white lady's slipper (Cypripedium reginae)
State Mushroom: Morel (Morchella esculenta)
State Grain: Wild rice (Zizania aquatica)
State Bird: Common loon (Gavia immer)
State Fish: Walleye (Stizostedion v. vitreum)
State Insect: Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
State Gem Stone: Lake Superior Agate
State Official Soil: Minnesota - Lester; unofficial
State Beverage: Milk
State Muffin: Blueberry
State Major Rivers: Minnesota River, Mississippi River, Rainy River, Red River of the North, St. Croix River
State Major Lakes: Upper Red Lake, Lower Red Lake, Mille Lacs Lake, Vermillion Lake, Rainy Lake, Lake of the Woods, Lake Superior, Leech Lake, Winnibigoshish Lake, Lake Pepin
State Highest Point: Eagle Mountain - 2,301 feet (701 m) above sea level
State Bordering Country: Canada
State Name Origin: Minnesota is from a Dakota Sioux Indian word that means "cloudy water" or "sky water" and refers to local rivers.
State Other Largest Cities: * Minneapolis * Saint Paul * Rochester * Duluth * Bloomington * Plymouth * Brooklyn Park * Eagan * Eden Prairie * West Coon Rapids *
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