Attractions in Hollywood

Attractions in Hollywood

Hollywood offers many attractions that you can visit while you are visiting. Among them are the famous Hollywood sign, Universal Studios, Universal CityWalk, the Hollywood museum, the Hollywood Wax Museum just to name a few. You can also visit one of the most famous Hollywood attractions and of all California; the Hollywood Walk of Fame where famous stars are remembered for ever.

One way to cover more ground and to see more is to take a guided tour of Hollywood, Los Angeles, Bell Air, Beverly Hills, and more. This way you can see some of the best places including some of the residences of famous stars.

Hollywood is the land of dreams; the land of the rich and famous.

Mi Pueblo Natal has written just a little about Hollywood so you can get a vacation idea and make plans to discover this great place.

If you are a movie star, a Hollywood resident, or someone who has visited this beautiful place, we invite you to live your comments below.

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