Mt McLoughlin - The Summit
View of Mountain McLoughlin From Lower Table Rock
Mt McLoughlin is a mountain located about 45 minutes from the Rogue Valley. For years I have been looking at this mountain erect in the distance and thought someday I was going to conquer it.
Last year my son and I hiked up this mountain and was able to get to a place called "The False Summit." We could not go beyond this point because we had to get back to town by 3 pm sharp.
Earlier this year (2011), I had planned to hike mount McLoughlin on August 18th (yesterday). I was still ticked off for not making it to the top last year.
The trip began with excitement and as the hours passed by this excitement turned into a challenge as the mountain kept getting more steep and more difficult to climb.
Large areas of snow are still seen scattered on the mountain. 4 mile lake in the distance.After we passed the false summit it seemed the top was very close; about one mile away. This was the hardest mile I ever walked in my life because I had to make frequent stops to catch my breath and rest my legs because they were painful.
My older son and my 12 year old grandson Nathan decided to call it quits. My 23 year old said he was going to continue but said he did not know he was going to make it.
I know my 23 year old and I knew he was going to make it even if it was late in the afternoon. I know this because he's got my determination and has proven it before. At one point he told me not to wait for him because "Someone has to make it to the top."

Words cannot describe the beauty in the distanceI kept on moving and he disappeared at times behind the rocks way below. Once in a while I got a glance of him and he was still moving up hill.
We continued to climb for another hour and it became difficult to crawl over the large rocks. In some areas we had to catch our footing because of the loose gravel. The abyss at both sides made us be extra careful. I had heard many stories of people falling down and lose their lives. It gave me chills when I thought about it.
At one point, my friend (also named Nathan) and I estimated we had about a "4 story building" tall to reach the end. We walked the equivalent of the 4 story building and then it looked we had another "5 story building" to climb.

Mt McLauhglin - what a beauty!
We finally reached the top and I could see my son working his way up, slowly but surely.
Once I got there, I could feel the sense of accomplishment because of the difficulty on this trip. I said to my kids I was going to make it even if I had to inch my way to the top.
I took a lot of pictures and filmed the surroundings and enjoyed the moment for a while. About 15 minutes later, my son was very close to the top. I felt like going down to encourage him and give him strength but he signaled he was OK.
He made it exactly at 1 pm.
Today, the day after, I feel great. Surprisingly I am not sore! This is a first for me.
These are some of the pictures and hope you enjoy them. I will make the videos at another time.

Amazing view - This is one of the best hiking spots of Oregon and you can see why.
Nathan standing on the highest point of the mountain.

View from Mt McLoughlin

View from mt McLoughlin

View from Mt McLoughlin.

Mt McLoughlin
Isn't this is one of the best hiking locations in Oregon?
A few scratches and scrapes. Ouch!
My 3 boys: My grandson Nathan on the left, Trevor in the middle, and, Seth on the right; our first real adventure together.Please leave your comments:
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