Mount Mcloughlin
 View of the valley below from the mountain
Mount Mcloughlin
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Mount McLoughlin is located in the Cascade Range of southern Oregon and it is north of Mount Shasta, south of Crater Lake, and west of Upper Klamath Lake. This mountain can be seen clearly in the distance from Medford Oregon. During winter it is covered in snow and during summer is of brown color because a great part of the mountain does not have any vegetation; most of if is located on the lower part of the mountain. I have lived in the Rogue Valley for 20 years and I have always wanted to hike all the way up but never got around to it. Last year my son and I decided to go there, "look around", and hike up the mountain for about one hour or so. We started our hike around 8:00. By 11:30 am, we were at a place called the "false summit" which is about one mile away from the very top. Even though we were tired, we felt we had enough strength to get to the top by my son had an important appointment at 3:00 pm which he could not miss. We rested for a few minutes and took some pictures. The view was magnificent! When we hiked down, it seemed we where never going to get to where we started. We did not realize we had hiked about 4 miles up!
If you are planning to hike this mountain make sure you take a mosquito repellent because there where a lot of them. Make sure you take enough fluids and food with you because you can get dehydrated easily. Also take some money because it costs $5 for parking. I hope you enjoy the pictures. To view them just click on the links above or below.  Start of trail to the mountain
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Please your comments: Other special words used to help you find this pare are Mt Mcloughlin, and Mcloughlin.
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