Medford Population

Medford Population

The U.S Census Bureau estimated the population of Medford in 2006 was at 71,168. As 2009, the population was at 77,240 (1) and the total metropolitan area population of 207,010. This makes Medford the 4th largest metropolitan area in Oregon.

Breakdown by race of people living in Medford in 2000
White persons = 90%
Black persons = 0.05%
American Indian and Alaska Native persons = 1.1%
Asian persons = 1.1%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander = 0.3%
Persons of Hispanic or Latino origin = 9.2%
Persons reporting two or more races = 3.2%

Foreign born persons = 6.3%

Language other than English spoken at home = 9.6%

High school graduates = 83.3%
Bachelor's degree or higher = 21.1%

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